Before you can complete a job order form, you must be a MassHire member with a FEIN number. If you are unsure if you are a member, call one of our Business Service representatives:

Please note, if you need to inquire about applicants to your H2B job posting for your company, please contact our Staffing Executive: Cathie LeBlanc at or call Cathie at 508.862.6128.

Job Order Form

Employer Information:
Contact person for job opening(Required)
How to contact/refer(Required)
Should we include this job in Job Central?(Required)
(no charge)
Job/Position Information:
Position is(Required)
Position duration is(Required)
Example: 9-5
Days to work:(Required)
Benefits offered:(Required)
Pay unit(Required)
Position Requirements:
Occupational license(Required)
Drivers License(Required)