Individualized Services
Once enrolled, it’s all about you!
Hire Me! Hire Me!
Is the mantra of those enrolled in Individualized Services. From day one it’s all about you!

Establishing a new direction and setting your goals!
Your personal career consultant will guide you through the transition process.
- You will be guided through a process of getting to know yourself better than ever before. You will be able to identify your strengths, your biggest assets, your values, the things that you really like, those things that really matter to you
- With this knowledge in hand, you will learn to search and identify the types of jobs that would most likely bring you the most satisfaction; jobs that fit your skills, abilities, interests, temperament, values and your financial needs
- If you need remedial or advanced training to qualify for the job/s of interest to you, training options will be presented to you
- If you need to sharpen your computer skills or start learning the basics, computer literacy will be available to you
- If you don’t need to sharpen your computer skills or learn new skills to get the type of jobs you hope to find, your goal will be to find that job!
Hire Me Boot Camp – When the job is the goal!
Your Business Services team will prepare you for your job search!
- An individualized approach to preparing you for your job search
- You are not just a participant in the Boot Camp; to the Boot Camp Team you are a human being who has wants, needs, fears, aspirations, lacks self-confidence and needs a certain degree of support
In 3 days of this intense hands-on approach, you will walk away with:
- A professional resume targeting the job you have set your sights on
- Self-confidence and a flawless and professional demeanor
- Interview skills that will get you to that second interview
- Job interviews with one or more employers
Training Options
Skills Training: When advanced training is required to reach your goal.
- Skills training: MassHire will pay up to $15,000 to train you in a new skill. Training must result in certification, credential, or licensing
- Paid Internships for those who need experience in a chosen field before they can get a job in the profession for which they have been trained
- On the job training for job candidates who are willing to learn a new skill on the job. MassHire provides incentives to employers to hire candidates who have most, but not all of the skills needed to do a job and train them on the job
Once you’ve completed your training, your Business Services team will work with you.
- To find a job in your new career
- To find an appropriate internship that will allow you to gain experience in your chosen career
- To find an employer who is willing to hire you and train you on the job.

How do I enroll in Individualized Services?
You must attend a Career Center Seminar (CCS) before meeting with anyone.
After you attended a Career Center Seminar (CCS), you can make an appointment to meet with a Career Consultant to complete the required eligibility paperwork.
How do I schedule an appointment to see if I am eligible for Individualized Services?
To schedule an appointment with a Career Consultant complete and submit the request form. You will be contacted within 48 hours upon receipt of your request.