MassHire services are for Adults 18 years of age and over
Young Adults

Did you know that MassHire offers Cape and Islands Youth 18-24 Free HISET Preparation, Career Counseling, Skills Training, and Assistance with Your Job Search?

Did you know MassHire Cape & Islands can help you achieve certification in the most sought-after job fields?

Did you know MassHire Cape & Islands gives priority to veterans, including a staff member who works exclusively with local veterans to help them transition back into the workforce?

Did you know MassHire Cape & Islands can help you prepare for your search to find the right job for you?
Career Center

Did you know MassHire Cape & Islands offers jobseekers a room full of free resources to support their do-it-yourself job search?
For those who want assistance with their job search, we also have a team of professional career consultants, staffing executives, resume preparers, workshop facilitators and more to help prepare jobseekers for their job search.
MassHire offers:
- Free job search workshops
- Free individualized job search services: career consulting, resume preparation or critique; interview preparation, job search assistance.**
- Up to $15,000 worth of FREE skills training**
- On the job training**
**eligibility guidelines apply
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Interested in Learning More?
Please let us know which of our services you are interested in learning more about.
MassHire Programs & Services are primarily funded by US Department of Labor (USDOL) Employment and Training Administration grants.
Additional details furnished upon request. MASSHIRE CAPE & ISLANDS CAREER CENTER, 372 North Street, Hyannis, MA