MassHire offers the following services to employers in search of candidates to fill their staffing needs.
Appointment only job interviews with the employer take place at the career center. Our Business Services team recruits and vets the job candidates and schedules an appointment for each candidate to be interviewed by the employer the day of the Specialized Recruitment. To schedule a Specialized Recruitment contact Cathie LeBlanc at or call Cathie at 508.862.6128.
Industry-Specific Specialized Recruitments
Appointment only job interviews with several employers in the same industry take place at the career center. Job Candidates are recruited and vetted for job openings with the participating employers. Interview appointments are scheduled with each employer during the Recruitment. Employers wishing to be invited to participate in our upcoming Industry Specific Specialized Recruitments should fill out the form below or contact Cathie LeBlanc at 508.862.6128.

- JOB POSTINGS: Post your job opening with us at no charge
- JOB MATCHING: Receive assistance in finding the right candidate to meet your needs
- PRE-SCREENING: We can pre-screen the candidates to narrow the selection down
- ON-SITE INTERVIEWS: Save time and money by interviewing multiple job candidates at one time in one place at no charge. Use one of the career center’s interview rooms at no charge to hold your own hiring event
- INDUSTRY BRIEFINGS: Join with others in your industry to present to a local audience of job seekers, the most current information on your industry, i.e. labor requirements, growth opportunities, salary ranges, education/certification needed for positions, etc.
- INFORMATION SESSIONS: Present information about your company and the job opportunities offered, along with other pertinent information to a local audience
- INDUSTRY JOB FAIRS: Participate in a job fair at our Career Center, where all exhibitors are from the same industry.
- CAPE-WIDE JOB FAIRS: Participate in one of our many regional job fairs held in various locations across the Cape.
SELF ASSISTED SERVICES Using your computer, you can:
- Enter your job order on to Job Quest for Employers, which reaches Massachusetts job seekers
- Access Labor Market Information and/or Information on Unemployment Insurance
The OJT Program assists employers with the cost of hiring and training a new employee. It is funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The OJT program enables employers to hire new employees and train them at their place of business while being reimbursed a percentage of the new employee’s wages during training.
- Reducing the cost of hiring and training
- Providing pre-screened applicants for a position-the employer decides who to hire
- Reimbursing the employer a percentage of the wages during the pre-agreed training period
Market standards are the key to remaining competitive in a given job market. But, how do you discover current trends that affect your competitiveness?
- The most current labor market information, including wage and salary data, regional job vacancy information and employment outlook
- Provides information on training facilities and programs, along with funding resources available to assist you in training your workforce
- Access to the internet via our Resource Room for employers who do not have access to the internet to search our job candidate pools online
This state-of-the-art program can assist you in identifying your current employees or job candidates:
- Vocational Aptitudes
- Ability
- Temperament
- Learning Style
- Work Attitudes
Schedule your Onsite Interview (Recruitment). Save time, money and energy by interviewing multiple job candidates at one time in one place. We do the preparation and you just show up on interview day!
- Search our database for qualified candidates
- Prescreen for a match
- Send out invitations
- Room set -up
Advertising to the general public is the responsibility of the employer.
To schedule, an onsite interview contact Cathie at (508) 862-6128 or email