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United States Postal Service

Tuesday, December 10th, 2pm – 4pm, In-Person

Location: MassHire Career Center, 372 North Street, Hyannis, Massachusetts

The Postal Service is the second-largest employer in the United States. We offer our team variety, training, and ways to move up. We have specific programs for recent grads and skills matching for applicants with military experience.

From mail carriers to corporate management, we all work together to provide efficient, affordable service to the American public. USPS is an excellent workplace for self-motivated individuals who enjoy independence and measurable goals with the added satisfaction of serving our communities.

Open positions include:
Sales & Service / Distribution Associate • Mail Processing Clerk • Mail Handler Assistant • City Carrier Assistant • Rural Carrier Associate • Assistant Rural Carrier

Pre-registration is required.

Register via email to Cathie at
or call 508.862.6128

Please put USPS in the subject line.

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