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If you are unemployed or underemployed and can’t find a job using your current skills, you may be eligible for free training.  Learn how you can access training and education resources available through the career center.

Registration must be completed 24 hours prior to the workshop date. You must have a valid email address to register for any workshop.

You may also register for a workshop by calling 508-771-JOBS (5627).  Please have your Job Seeker ID# and email address information ready. You can also register through JobQuest and then select Cape and Islands Career Center for a list of scheduled workshops.  You will need your Job Seeker ID# to register through JobQuest.

We recommend that you check your computer power source, internet connections and audio prior to joining the virtual workshop. Please note that there may be technology programs – either on our end or on yours – due to the high demand for remote services.  We will do our best to present our virtual workshops with as few issues as possible but we will not be able to help troubleshoot issues you may encounter.

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