Sign-up for Our Job Fairs and Recruitment Events
MassHire provides opportunities for employers to connect with prospective employees at our Job Fairs. We offer both location-based and career-specific job fairs several times each year. Please contact Carolyn Watts, Business Services Representative, at cwatts@masshire-capeandislands.com or 508-862-6151 to learn more about our job fairs.
If you are an employer seeking a candidate with a specific skill set, you can submit a job order, schedule an on-site recruitment, participate in a job fair, ask about our On-the-job Training program and/or learn and apply for the new training grants available through the FutureSkills program which assists with training unskilled and/or incumbent workers the new skills your employees will need to acquire in order for your company to remain competitive.
To schedule an in-person Recruitment, participate in our job fairs, learn about our On-the-Job Training program and other beneficial grant programs contact Carolyn Watts, Business Services Representative at cwatts@masshire-capeandislands.com or 508-862-6151.

Carolyn Watts, Business Services Representative
To learn more about the CommCorps programs and the many grants and partnerships that are available to help businesses train new hires and/or incumbent workers the skills they need to keep a company competitive, contact Cathie LeBlanc, Staffing Executive/ Market Maker at cleblanc@masshire-capeandislands.com or 508-862-6128.

Cathie LeBlanc, Staffing Executive
Employer Workshops & Forums
These are held to inform employers about new funding opportunities, new human resources guidelines, new laws, new services offered at the career center, etc.
They could be offered at our career center, online via our member portal, or, depending on the topic, at your place of business. Because of the struggle to find and keep good employees in this current market, one of the more popular Workshops we offer is “Hire Right”. This is especially valuable to employers who do not have a Human Resource professional on staff.
The only criteria needed to take advantage of these FREE workshops is a MassHire Cape and Islands Career Center membership.
To find out more about “Hire Right” or to obtain a schedule of upcoming employer workshops and/or forums, call Neila at 508-862-6134
Hiring Event
A HIRING EVENT occurs when an employer chooses to conduct job interviews at MassHire rather than at their place of business. This often takes place when their main office or human resources department is off Cape and they feel it more advantageous to come to the Cape to interview job candidates for jobs that will require them to work on the Cape. Industry-specific hiring events are held throughout the year at MassHire. Each time a hiring event takes place it will be advertised on this page.
Contact us with any questions you may have.
If you…
- Have a high turnover in staff
- Find yourself thinking that good help is hard to find
- Have trouble finding people who meet your needs, to fit into your company’s culture
- Are qualified to do the job
If you answered “Yes” to any of the above, then you can benefit from HIRING THE RIGHT FIT. Schedule your private session today! Contact Neila Neary at (508) 862-6134 or nneary@masshire-capeandislands.com