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Meet our Veterans Representative, James Gouzias, and bring your questions. The “Veterans Connect Coffee Hour” is a hybrid platform that brings veterans together for an informal morning social gathering over a cup of coffee. The event is designed to bring veterans together to network, and, as co-creators of the process, provide peer-supported job search guidance and insight through an open forum to share veteran experiences and barriers to employment, resource information, as well as to discuss current events and any issues that are on top of their minds. The Veterans Connect Coffee Hour is hosted the last Thursday of every month – held in-person at 9:00 AM at the Falmouth Community Veterans Center (300 Dillingham Avenue, Falmouth, MA), as well as streaming live via Zoom.  Registration is required.

Vet Connect is designed to bring veterans together to network, and as, co-creators of the process, provide peer supported job search guidance and insight through an open forum to share veteran experiences and barriers to employment, resource information, as well as to discuss current events and any issues that are on top of their minds.

Veterans are asked to register at least 24 hours in advance. You must have a valid email address to register for any workshop. You can register by clicking on the Register button below.

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