MassHireis a one-stop career center that serves any US citizen or legal alien in need of employment. Our mission is to connect employers with workers.
MassHire provides job and career search assistance to everyone from the professional who has been laid off from his job to the individual with minimum job skills. Depending on the needs of the job seeker, the center offers a variety of job preparation and job/career search services.MassHire serves customers of all ages from out of school youth to the mature worker. In addition, it also provides programs that target specific populations.
Occasionally, members of this population are overlooked by employers as a potential job candidate, i.e. veterans, those 55 + and the disabled. Below we have highlighted the benefits to those employers who hire members of these respective groups.
HIRE A VET: A military veteran has served this country and stands ready to serve you. Qualities such as these will be available in your arsenal
- of candidate options.
- leadership skills
- strong work ethic
- ability to follow directions
- training
For more information, contact Michael Swaney at 508-862-6127.
FOR EXPERIENCE, HIRE 55+ WORKERS: 55+ workers possess many characteristics that are highly marketable today:
- a strong work ethic
- experience
- life skills
- industry-specific skills
- a proven track record
HIRE THE ABILITY: It’s not the “challenge” that you may think. It’s ability, not disability that counts. Advantages include:
- tax credits for hiring persons with disabilities
- broadening of the candidate pool
- prescreened applicants to meet your business needs
- follow-up support for successful employment and retention
All of these strategies can improve your bottom line. Let us help you increase your profitability!