Staffing up during a pandemic presents unexpected challenges even with historic levels of unemployment. According to a recent survey, today’s job seekers are looking for work that meets needs beyond compensation and advancement opportunities.
As always, job postings need a straightforward job title, concise recap of qualifications and responsibilities, and a call to action to apply. You want to use gender-neutral words for greater diversity, share some elements of the company culture and provide reference to salary and benefits. Post your jobs early in the week and be sure to take advantage of free job posting services from your local government funded career centers in addition to paid job boards.
However job postings during COVID-19 need to take it a few steps further.
To attract qualified candidates, employers must create job postings that address potential hiring roadblocks head-on. Follow these 5 tips to help filter and generate the best applicants for the job:
1. Show candidates yours is a safe workplace
Perhaps the greatest roadblock to staffing today is fear. Even before the interview process you need to explain the safety protocols you’ve put in place to protect your workers and customers. Use language in your job postings that proves health and safety is a top priority for your company.
2. Describe flexibility regarding work/life balance
Juggling the demands of family and work is another major roadblock for today’s job seeker. Outline the options you offer regarding schedules, work from home and access to childcare. Candidates can then determine, before they apply, if they’ll be able to meet the job requirements saving you a lot of time during the screening process.
3. Define expectations
Be upfront about expectations regarding rotational shift work, on-call duties, travel time, potential overtime hours and other performance success factors. Indicate if the job is initially work from home but intended to become on site in the future. Casting a wide net by being vague on the details will only attract more of the wrong candidates. Setting clear expectations in the job posting will generate better candidates in the end.
4. Outline resources provided for the position
Work from home will be a compelling option for many job seekers, however they may not possess the technology and resources necessary to perform the work. For example if the position requires high-speed internet, computer equipment and specific software, indicate what you will provide and/or supplement. Otherwise clearly state what the new hire must have access to perform the job.
5. Explain the on-boarding process
Communicate the new hire process to avoid last minute offer withdrawals. Don’t confuse a week’s orientation schedule with on-boarding that can last months. For instance mandatory off site-training sessions requiring time away from home may not be viable for some candidates.

As the urgency for finding work increases for many, employers want to do their best to steer only the best qualified and work ready applicants to their open positions. Incorporating these COVID-19 relevant tips in your job postings will help hone the applicant field and streamline your hiring process.